Hi, my name is Mario Muço
I'm a Software Developer.


About me

Graduate student with a Master's degree in Software Engineering. Skilled in Java technologies such as SpringBoot as well as Angular and Python, with experience in web development, test automation and data visualization.

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My Projects

Developer Management System

A system for managing developer profiles, allowing for addition, removal, editing, and deletion. It features search functionality by name, skills, and experience, and maintains a detailed project history for each developer.

  • Backend build on SpringBoot
  • Frontend build on Angular
  • CRUD operations
  • Search funcionality
  • Project history

Source Code

Gym Membership System

A system for managing gym memberships build with Tkinter Python, helping to keep track of every member subscription by building seperate profiles for each, monthly income based on the subscriptions, inventary management and employer list.

  • SQLite Database
  • Tkinter desktop app
  • Member Profiles
  • Monthly Income

Source Code

EazySchool Web Application

Improved a SpringBoot application template by adding new features. Technologies used: SpringBoot, Maven, MySQL, Thymeleaf

  • Added Lecturer Role
  • Added Course Image and Description
  • Made Courses Page dynamic and added View-Course Page
  • Added Request Menu in Admin dashboard and more

Source Code

Data Visualization

Using Python libraries such as Pandas, Numpy, and Streamlit to build interactive visualizations of data from a dataset. Features include:

  • Interactive charts, graphs, maps, and dashboards
  • Implemented using medallion architecture data design pattern
  • Easy deployment with Streamlit

Source Code

Pet Expo in React

A react app displaying images from 3 categories of pets. All the data are taken from APIs. It includes features such as:

  • Three categories of pets: Dogs, Cats, Birds
  • Necessary data displayed from the API
  • Responsive design
  • Popup page with more detailed information for the selected pet

Source Code

Hotel Booking Page

Developed using Angular, this responsive web application includes features such as:

  • User roles such as admin and regular user
  • Searching for hotels by name or location.
  • Users can view room details, prices, and availability and book rooms.
  • After booking, an invoice is automatically generated, which can be printed or deleted.

Source Code

Test Automation Framework

A framework used to test an e-commence site. Implemented using Selenium and Java. Features include:

  • Organized using Page Object Model (POM) structure
  • Using TestNG to do the assertions
  • Efficient synchronization using wait methods
  • Configured screenshot capture on failure

Source Code